Ancient Albium Ingaunum and later Albingaunum , which can be translated into "City of Ingauni", Albenga has Roman and medieval origins, which blend well in a historic center full of charm and history. The city of Albenga has in fact one of the most evocative and well-preserved historical centers of the Ligurian Riviera di Ponente, for the most part still surrounded by walls and in which numerous towers, palaces and other valuable medieval architecture stand out.

The museums of Albenga

Conquered by Rome in 181 BC, destroyed by the barbarians and rebuilt in 415, Albenga was a bishopric (451) and lordship of several families until 1746 when under Napoleon it was the capital of the jurisdiction of the Centa. Part of this history is preserved in the city museums: the Roman Naval Museum dedicated to marine archeology, the Ingauno Civic Museum with Roman and Byzantine remains, the Magic Transparency Museum with the finds from the necropolis of Albenga, the Diocesan Museum with a rich collection of works of art, the Isola Gallinara Reserve Multimedia Center for a virtual visit to the environmental heritage of the Gallinara Island and the Sommariva family's Oil Museum .

All museums

Archaeological sites

Few places can boast a historical, archaeological, monumental heritage like that owned by the city of Albenga. The archaeological area of San Calocero , the northern Necropolis of Albenga (tomb of the "blue plate") , San Clemente , San Vittore , the Amphitheater with a Roman pillar and the Via Iulia Augusta today represent the signs of the city's majestic past under the imprint of Romans, French and Savoy.

Archaeological sites

Palaces and churches

Albenga ,   ancient capital of the powerful Ligurian tribe of the Ingauni , today it has the best preserved historic center in western Liguria. The ancient town maintains its compact medieval construction and has several palaces, churches, squares and towers, a living testimony of the importance of Albingaunum in history.

Palaces and Churches

Theater companies

Albenga is a cultural center of national importance and carries out an articulated project of promotion, dissemination, creation and cultural attraction in the territory of the district. The activity is made possible by the theater companies that work with passion to plan new events and train new recruits.

Theater companies

Ticket office

At the IAT (at the Civic Tower) the unified ticket office of three museums (Magiche Trasparenze, the Roman Naval Museum and Multimedia Center) and archaeological sites is active. Alternatively, the online ticket office is also active.

Timetables and fares Online Ticket Office