Red Route

San Martino di Tours is at the center of the NewPilgrimAge Project (NPA), funded by the European Program Interreg Central Europe, in which 7 partners from Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy participate. The City of Albenga has developed itineraries for visiting the City and the places of San Martino which, through the use of QR codes and the development of an interactive map, will accompany the visitor through the beauties of the City.

The " RED" route offers an itinerary through the squares of the historic center of Albenga and was created thanks to the collaboration between the Oddi Foundation , ACLI Savona , Visual School and the APS Association # Cosavuoichetilegga? . The route is dedicated in particular to school groups visiting the city, but also to all those children who spend their holidays in Albenga or who want to get to know the figure of San Martino di Tours better.

The telematic path allows you to carry out a real treasure hunt in which each page or square visited provides the clue to identify the next square. It is also possible to divide into two teams and choose a particular sequence, "horse" or "cape" route; after crossing 10 city squares, you return to Piazza San Michele . The first team to return to Piazza San Michele will have won the challenge.

Stages of the Acli route

Below are the stages of the treasure hunt , in alphabetical order (so as not to help the participants by revealing the correct order immediately). Always start and finish in Piazza San Michele .

Piazza dei Leoni: The poor - Piazza San Domenico: The farmer - Piazza San Francesco: The possessed - Piazza 4 Novembre: The fisherman - Piazza Rossi: The monk - Piazza San Siro: The tailor's wife
Piazza Torlaro: The witch - Piazza Trincheri: The comrade in arms

Before starting the treasure hunt, get a map of Albenga (but you can also use the Google maps on each page) and a pencil or pen to take notes, they will help you along the way.

The journey begins