The Molino gate and the medieval walls


At the end of the via delle Medaglie d'Oro, the Molino gate opens in the walls, with a nineteenth-century appearance, entering the city from the north along the Roman via Iulia Augusta. The name comes from the mill built in the century. XII close to the walls and soon incorporated into the walls for supply reasons even in case of calamity. The building, still existing on the side of the door towards the sea, today with a nineteenth-century appearance, perhaps initially belonged to the hospital which was located outside the walls as a hospice for pilgrims; later becoming a municipal, it belonged in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries to the powerful Cepolla family, which had houses and towers next to the door. In the sixteenth century it passed to the Costa family and from these to the Del Carretto, who alienated it in the nineteenth century. The mill was fed by a canal, the beudum that ran along the north walls to reach the sea and which still exists under via Genova and via dei Mille, like the walls on this side, incorporated into a single building.

One of the sections of the still existing walls is visible upstream of the Molino gate, after passing a vaulted section; here the walls, made of river pebbles, are preserved up to the height of the crenellated cornice, behind which ran the "patrol path" that allowed the armed men to move from one stretch to another and to defend themselves with the protection of the battlements. Other sections of the walls still exist both above all on the west side of the city, where the patrol path still exists, and on the south side, towards the river, often incorporated in the houses built on the walls. The road that ran behind the walls, and which follows the intervallum of the Roman city, still exists, in particular on the side towards the river, where it retains the ancient name of barbacana .